Luxury Picnics During Colder Months

As the temperatures cool picnic season begins to down. It is a sad but natural cycle, as inevitable as the turning of leaves.

 And yet many people find that they crave outdoor experiences more than ever just as winter’s chill drives them inside. Is there a way to throw a party that gives your guests the experience of the outdoors and the comforts of temperature control?

Fall and winter picnics are very possible with a little bit of planning. By communicating effectively with your guests and establishing the right set of controllable conditions, you can create a memorable experience for everyone involved.

 In this article, we take a look at what it takes to throw luxury picnics even during the fall and winter.

Communicate effectively

No matter how much planning or preparation you do, some of the legwork will ultimately be on your guests. To be fair, this is true of any picnic. It’s always necessary to plan for the weather, but guests may be unsure what to expect in the particularly unique context of a fall or winter outdoor gathering.

Let them know what you will be doing to control conditions at the event. Recommend clothing that will keep them comfortable. 

Flexible outfits— layers— are particularly optimal for navigating the differences between uncontained natural temperatures and the more controlled environment of your party.

Set up your location

You may be surprised by how much you can increase the temperature while keeping your gathering outside. Space heaters and tents are a great way to insulate and heat up an outdoor picnic.

You can rent both and set them up, strategically throughout your venue to keep guests warm, even as they enjoy a little bit of nature.

Also, consider the potential for bonfire stations for your luxury picnics. These are aesthetically charming features that can be a great place for guests to gather around and chat while enjoying a cocktail.

Protect against the elements

A 38° day in winter isn’t always going to be uncomfortable. However, if you throw in some arctic wind, relatively mild conditions can quickly turn into a shivering nightmare. It’s a good idea to plan for every possible eventuality. A high-quality tent will keep you protected from rain or, God forbid. snow but also look for ways to insulate yourself from bitter winter winds. 

This could involve setting up temporary walls, or other barriers that will keep your event’s primary gathering space comfortable.

Plan your menu accordingly

A winter menu is going to be a lot different than a spring or summer one. While the sunny warm months demand lighter seasonal fair, winter selections are often limited in terms of fresh ingredients. Your guests will likely crave warmer, more filling food. Think about delicious stews or even hard meat-based entrées. Steak, pot roast, roasted chicken.

A good catering team will have no problem whatsoever keeping food hot for a winter outdoor venue. You can help things along considerably by picking a spot with easy electric access.

In a pinch, you may be able to do without outlets by using a generator. However, it is better to avoid them where possible. They are loud, cumbersome, and more expensive than using an already established power source.


Does it all sound like a lot to go through for a picnic? That’s fair but try to keep in mind that these considerations aren’t so different from those you would make during any other time of the year when planning an outdoor event. You always need to plan for bad weather. You always need guests to dress appropriately. You always need to think about ways to control conditions within your outdoor venue to the best of your abilities.

Does the cold complicate things? Sure.  However, with climate-controlling technology, this picnic really won’t feel so different from others that your guests have been to.

Space heaters will allow you to maintain a comfortable 70° temperature within your venue. What does it really matter how cold things are outside?

All of that said planning your first winter picnic can be an intimidating challenge. Ready to get some help?

At Picnics and Peonies, planning luxury picnics is our specialty. Contact us today to get started planning your event. We will work with you step-by-step to establish the perfect picnic.


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